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Salem Beautification Committee
Meeting October 23, 2012
Present: Marcia Lambert, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Bev Moustakis Sandra Power, Barbara Sirois, Barbara Swartz, Ellen Talkowsky, Judith Wolfe.   Absent: Sam Fiori, Maryanne Piechocki.  Visitor: Lisa Lyons

The meeting was called to order at 7:37 P.M.

The minutes of the meeting of September 25, 2012, were approved as written.

1.  Lady of Salem – Mary Ellen reported that the “Ladies,” have been taken down by the Department of Public Works except for the one on display in front of Whichway Gifts.  “Thank you” messages have gone out to sponsors, underwriters, our web designer, artists and others by phone, SATV, Facebook, Salem Patch etc.  The Mayor was given a framed copy of the “Ladies” poster.  Payments to the artists are in process.  It was noted that the Facebook “Ladies” page gets a lot of interest.

2.  Halloween - We worked with more pumpkins this year (150) this year than last (140).  Pumpkins were donated by Parents United, PTO, Stop and Shop and others.  60 pumpkins were taken to the YMCA and 40 were taken to the Bates school for decoration.  It was noted that the Essex County Sheriff”s Department has suggested that it will donate pumpkins next year.  Lots of people showed up for the decorated pumpkin contest.  We will need to have more volunteers next year.  It was suggested that the contest be opened up to older students. Pumpkins would not necessarily be provided for older contestants.  Ellen is to check with the Music and Art Society to see about High School Availability for such projects.  It was also suggested that we might set up a table with supplies so that pumpkins could be decorated at the site of the display.   It was suggested that we consider enlarging the event to include parents and other adults.  Perhaps we could create a prize for house and lawn decorations. It was decided to finalize the Halloween plans in August.  Barbara Swartz volunteered to chair the project.  Lisa volunteered to do the press release and to take pictures.
3.  Traffic Islands – Sandi gave a status report on certain Traffic Islands:
The city spread loam and grass seed over part of the Starbucks plaza.  The garden beside the new Beverly to Salem bypass road will be maintained by the young men associated with the Journeys of Hope organization. There are a total of 45 sponsored or available traffic islands and public spaces. Non profit sponsors pay $75.00 for their first year of sponsorship and $25.00 a year thereafter.

Christmas – The Committee will wrap the light poles again this year.  The dates will be coordinated with Jenifer Bell of Main Streets.   Marcia will shop for materials.

Other – a motion to cancel the meeting scheduled for December was passed

A Motion to Adjourn was adopted. Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Wolfe
Next Meeting:  November 27, 2012
Chairperson:  Marcia Lambert